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Broadcom 57412 - Customer Install - network adapter - OCP 3.0 - 10 Gigabit SFP+ x 2 - with Inherit the warranty of the Dell system OR one year hardware warranty
Broadcom 57414 - Customer Install - network adapter - OCP 3.0 - 10Gb Ethernet / 25Gb Ethernet SFP28 x 2 - with Inherit the warranty of the Dell system OR one year hardware warranty
Broadcom 57504 - Network adapter - OCP 3.0 - 10Gb Ethernet / 25Gb Ethernet SFP28 x 4 - with Inherit the warranty of the Dell system OR one year hardware warranty
Main Specifications
Product Description
Avago LPe32002 - host bus adapter - PCIe 3.0 x8 - 32Gb Fibre Channel x 2
Device Type
Host bus adapter
Form Factor
Plug-in card ...