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Main Specifications
Product Description
HPE RDX - RDX cartridge x 1 - 500 GB - storage media
Storage media - RDX cartridge
Media Included Qty
HPE Data Cartridge LTO-5 - Labeled - 20 Pack - 1.50 TB (Native) / 3 TB (Compressed) - 846 m Tape Length
HP Ultrium tape technology has been designed to deliver exceptional reliability and performance at the lowest cost per GB. The Ultr ...
Main Specifications
Product Description
HPE Ultrium RW Data Cartridge - LTO Ultrium 6 x 1 - storage media
Storage media - LTO Ultrium
Tape Cartridge
Ultrium 6
HPE Data Cartridge LTO-8 - Rewritable - 1 Pack - 12 TB (Native) / 30 TB (Compressed) - 960 m Tape Length
Key Features
Highest Capacity and Performance of any Comparable Tape Technology
HPE LTO-8 Ultrium can write or rea ...