Online bestellingen worden zo snel mogelijk verwerkt, wij blijven telefonische, per email en online beschikbaar. Afhalingen zijn niet mogelijk tot nader bericht (covid19).
Main Specifications
Product Description
Microsoft 365 Business Standard - box pack (1 year) - 1 user (5 devices)
Product Type
Box pack - 1 year
Online &ap ...
Team Foundation Server enables great teams to do great work by recognizing that all of the work involved in a software project - source code,issues,and requirements to name a few - is symbiotically related,no matter what form it happens to take.
T ...
Team Foundation Server enables great teams to do great work by recognizing that all of the work involved in a software project - source code,issues,and requirements to name a few - is symbiotically related,no matter what form it happens to take.
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